Maintenance of pumping facilities

Preventive and corrective maintenance service, conservation, renovations and/or expansions of the pumping facilities of the municipalities of Bizkaia whose distribution network operates by USSA.

Bakio, Abanto-Zierbena, Etxebarri, Barrika, Alonsotegi, Etxebarria, Berango, Balmaseda, Galdakao, Derio, Galdames, Gizaburuaga, Erandio, Gordexola, Igorre, Fruiz, Güeñes, Ispaster, Gamiz – Fika, Muskiz, Iurreta, Gatika, Ortuella, Izurtza, Gorliz, Santurtzi, Lekeitio, Larrabetzu, Sestao, Lemoa, Laukiz, Sopuerta, Mañaria, Leioa, Trapagaran, Markina-Xemein, Lemoiz, Trutzioz, Mendexa, Lezama, Zalla, Munitibar, Loiu, Zierbena, Ondarroa, Maruri, Areatza, Orduña, Morga, Arrigorriaga, Ubide, Mungia, Artea, Ugao – Miraballes, Plentzia, Atxondo, Zaldibar, Sondika, Aulesti, Zaratamo, Sopelana, Bedia, Zeanuri, Urduliz, Dima, Zeberio, Amoroto, Elorrio, Ziortza-Bolibar, Arantzazu, Ereño.

Challenge achieved: Achieve the correct conduction of the 153 pumping installations of the distribution network that serves 71 Bizkaia municipalities.